Whether you like it or not, you are being judged about your worldview. People who want to quietly leave politics out of it are being judged for non-participation. I have always been too timid to share my feelings publicly. I’ve hidden behind the excuse that I didn’t want to alienate people who might be fans.

The recent upsurge in activism has declared such slogans as “silence is violence.” That is a cool, catchy, rhyming slogan. I think silence might also include “I lack the depth to argue this issue and refuse to take or share my stance because I don’t want to incur the wrath of a left wing cancel culture or a right wing hate group.”

So, thank you for encouraging me to speak up. I’m bothered that I don’t have a choice in the matter and a little ashamed that I didn’t speak up sooner.

I hope I have something to say.

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